Interactive Video

Final ID Project

Lesson 1.

Introduction to the Americans with Disabilities Act

In a recent survey for a needs assessment, over 75% of respondents expressed the need for a comprehensive module to in guide them through various learning disabilities. This module was built in response to their needs..

You will work on this project as a team with one or two peers and you will present your design using a website.

ADA emblem

A brief summary

Objectives: This module's instructional objectives will follow the understanding or comprehension and application of Bloom's cognitive objectives taxonomy (Anderson et al., 2001). The assumption here is that students do not have any prior knowledge, and with these objectives, activities will be designed to direct students to achieve related goals (Morrison, Ross, Kalman & Kemp, 2019).

Course topic

Introduction to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Description of learners First-year graduate students at the College of Education.

Lesson - context and why

First-year graduate students at the UF College of Education complete their first classes without learning about learning disabilities. This pod-size module is designed to introduce students to various issues on Learning Disabilities. In the needs assessment survey, over 70% of first-year graduate students at the College of Education indicated the desire for an introductory module to guide their awareness and familiarity with various Learning Disabilities (LDs). I began this module with a lesson on ADA to provide a historical context to disabilities and help my students become aware of the challenges people with disabilities have faced in the past and continue to face.


Before this class and project, Canvas, Perusall, PlayPosit, Jove, and Edpuzzle were new to me, but I learned a ton from the weekly activities and discussions. This project particularly opened up a new world in Canvas for me. Creating pages, quizzes, modules, tabs, and getting behind the scenes on the instructional design was helpful. I look forward to playing around in Canvas long after this class is done and hopefully take the advanced ID class.


Introduction to ADA in Canvas Final Project in Canvas