Screencast Project

Screencast Project

For the screencast project, our first task was to select a software demonstration topic that takes approximately 2 – 4 minutes to explain and demonstrate.

This task could be using any software tool and could be on any related task (e.g., creating a table of contents or mail merge using Microsoft Word). Our next objective was to outline the various steps involved with this task and to generate a script on how to complete the task. Finally, we had to use Camtasia to record a narrated screencast that illustrated how to accomplish this task. The screencast had to be free from error and very clear to the potential learner, with the following requirements: Length - approximately 2 – 4 minutes to explain and demonstrate. Clarity - The narrated screencast had to contain some special effects that make the instruction clear to the learners (e.g. highlighted cursor location/clicks). imulation - The narrated screencast should simulate a real software environment (e.g. MS Word). Format - The final product should be uploaded to

For my Screencast tutorial I decided to discuss how setup a video in PlayPosit - The interactive video platform. I covered how to create an interactive video using the American with Disability video from YouTube. I searched the video in PlayPosit and added an interaction to the video. The interations allow learner to engaged with the intructional video instead of passively watching. I adopted simple visual aids such as highlighting the cursor location a few times (especially when showing off menu choices) and used zoom in and out (Ken Burns effect) in a few locations. Overall I found Camtasia very user friendly and easy to use especially with the 2021 updates. I see myself using Camtasia well into the future.